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What are Dolphin Turns?

what are dolphin turns?

Dolphin turns are a very fun exercise that can be performed almost anywhere on the mountain in most types of snow.

It is a more advanced task but worth having a stab at if you can ski around with parallel skis, as there is minimal risk of danger.

The task is to make the front of the skis lift off the snow, then the middle, and finally the backs of the skis. Once in the air, it is the tips of the skis that contact the snow first followed by the rest of the ski.

Called dolphin turns, as the movement of the skis is a similar shape that a dolphin makes when jumping out of the water.

I highly recommend doing them on a groomed run that is at a comfortable steepness for the skier when attempting them for the first time.

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how do I do dolphin turns?

There are a few ways to achieve this task. Depending on the way in which the skier uses their joints; the ankles, knees and hips.

However, the main focus is to shift the weight towards the back of the skis, to lighten the ski tips and get them off the snow. Once in the air, a movement of the weight forward will allow the tips of the skis to touch the snow first.

why should I do dolphin turns?

As mentioned above, use of the ankles, knees and hips working together are essential for success in this task.

Moving these joints together, will allow for greater control of the skis, and the body. Essential for expert skiing.

This drill, is a great way to train the body to work with the skis to get them to leap off the snow.

The mobility skills developed with this task are implemented whilst skiing powder, bumps, carving etc.

This is a very brief description of the task, but I hope you take this information and give them a go.

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Please let me know how it goes.

Thank you for reading,


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