What are edge rolls? Rollerblade turns?


What are Edge rolls?

What are Rollerblade turns?

What are Cat track turns?

They have multiple names, but this is what they look like.


What are rollerblade turns?

Edge rolls are when the same sides of the skis are touching the snow at the same time.

For example skiing along with both of the right hand side of the skis slicing into the snow.

The track left behind will be two thin lines.

How do I do rollerblade turns?

By tipping the feet over onto the side that you want to slice into the snow.

It helps if you are balanced in the center of your feet, not too far forward or backwards.

This allows for the muscles in the legs to be able to tip the feet and skis onto their sides.

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Why should I do rollerblade turns?

They are fun.

They are a quicker way of skiing on the cat tracks than sliding around.

They help to practise simultaneous movements of the legs and feet which is a skill utilised in expert skiing.


This is a very brief description of the task, but I hope you take this information and give them a go.

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